A.I.M.S. is ready to help you with your GIS needs.

AIMS is a leader in the field of computer geographic information systems (GIS) and address mapping.


?span style="mso-tab-count:1"> Appraisal Districts, Parcel, Planning and Community Development

?span style="mso-tab-count:1"> Voter registration, precinct realignment and redistricting

?Public works, facilities and Road Departments

?9-1-1 Emergency Planning and Rural-comprehensive addressing


•Custom training and selective application development

          History    Clients          


A.I.M.S. is on the Texas CMBL as a CISV: CISV Catalog


Sample Voter registration Web maps

    GALVESTON COUNTY VOTING MAPS (all precinct maps are 6 random colors)

    GALVESTON Voting Places List (Early and Election Day) with links to land area maps and 6 color Precincts

Interesting data sources

Comments, questions? E-mail us at main@aimsca.com

Last updated on Tuesday, 5/28/2007 by John Yeager, AIMS